

Online Wisdom-based Certificate in Spiritual Direction

For those who desire to become Spiritual Directors, companioning others with compassion and wisdom on their spiritual journeys.  

Rooted in the contemplative Christian tradition of inner experience of God's healing, guiding love,
cultivated through silence and solitude, listening and discernment. 
Grown and enriched by collective wisdom arising through all of Creation--
​at all times, in all places, through all people and traditions.


**We take collective wisdom seriously by incorporating feedback from earlier cohorts.**

2024 Cohort is FULL!

Apply for our waiting list! 

Online gathering the third Tuesday of each month from 9:00am-11:00am CST, beginning in September.

Acceptance decision made within two weeks of receiving all application materials

 Contact us with questions about future cohorts

Course Information
Spiritual Direction Application
Q & A

"This is the first, the wildest and the wisest thing I know: that the soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness."

- Mary Oliver


Alumni Testimonials

Abby Buter

Staff Resilience Coordinator & Wellness Coach
Tacoma, WA

“I had been searching for a spiritual direction program to join for many years, but nothing felt right. The Wisdom Tree Collective came along at the perfect time. I love how this program is holistic.  This program teaches us how to be spiritual directors, but it also pushes us to turn inward and pay attention to our own inner self. It's giving me the practical tools to be a spiritual director, but also equips me with the wisdom and ways of being with people that will help me hold space for my future directees well.” 

Swaady Martin


"Wisdom Tree Collective's approach truly resonates with me, as it acknowledges the diverse and multifaith world we live in today.

So far, the program has not only deepened my spiritual knowledge but also empowered me to embark on a journey of continuous personal growth. I highly recommend this program to anyone seeking a well-structured, open-minded, and enriching exploration of spiritual direction in today's diverse world."

Darrell Arnett

Addiction Medicine Physician (Retired)
Franklin, TN

"I applied to the Certificate in Spiritual Direction program after having experienced a spiritual awakening at a retreat with Wisdom Tree Collective. I found the spiritual direction I was looking for!

Now the training program is greatly deepening my relationship with God and preparing me for service as a spiritual director.

Wisdom Tree Collective is a gift from God that has changed my life."

Rev. Dr. Amy E. Steele, Social Ethicist, Ordained Minister

Nashville, TN

"The Wisdom Tree Collective Spiritual Direction program gathers the best of spiritual direction traditions across faiths. It is a two-year program in listening to, for, and with the spirit, allowing truths to emerge one breath at a time. It is remarkable to me how generous and accurate this process is for listening to and understanding what might previously have been unknown and unwelcome. I highly recommend this program."

Certificate in Spiritual Direction:
2-Year Process 
-1st year Formation of Spiritual Director & Introduction (didactic learning, reading, writing, experiential)
-2nd year Supervision of Spiritual Director & Concentration (experiential, research and integration)

Program Objectives: 
  • Personal healing & growth as you live with program material and contemplative practices over time so as to invite a deeper discovery of the Divine Presence and your Authentic Self
  • Deepening your ability to listen for and discern Wisdom as it manifests within and around you
  • Offering you skills and tools to assist you in becoming a compassionate, wise companion & guide for others

Year One Program Rhythm:
Developing or deepening one's rhythm of spiritual practice by entering into a flexible rhythm of program material.
                 Each month-
                          Week 1: Reading & starting the three 1-2 page reflection papers
                          Week 2: Watching pre-recorded class teaching & engaging practices
                          Week 3: Online Meetup with group to discuss reading, teaching, & practices
                          Week 4: Interacting with cohort through online gathering space & finishing papers
Year One Requirements:
  • 12 once a month 2-hour Group Meetup Sessions on Kajabi platform
  • 11 pre-recorded Class videos and 1 live Kajabi Meetup teaching on Professional Ethics for Spiritual Directors with Mary Rose Bumpus, RSM, PhD* 
  • 3 monthly 2-page reflection papers on readings/pre-recorded class material 
  • 6 Half Hour Sessions with Spiritual Direction Mentor
  • 10-12 Spiritual Direction sessions with a Spiritual Director of your choice*
  • 12+ Opportunities for Sharing & Support through Course and Kajabi Communities Cohort Circle (7 posts required)
Year Two Program Rhythm:
Developing or deepening one's rhythm of spiritual practice by entering into a flexible rhythm of program material.                    
                   Each month-
                           Week 1: Researching, reading, writing &/or planning
                           Week 2: Offering Spiritual Direction
                           Week 3: Group Supervision via Zoom (every other month) 
                           Week 4: Interacting with cohort through online gathering space
Year Two Requirements:
  • Provide 10-12 sessions of Spiritual Direction each for 2 Directees (in-person, phone, or online)                                     
  • Monthly live Meetup via Kajabi platform (except for December) for either Group Supervision or teaching with role-playing
  • 7 sessions of Supervision (3 One-Hour Individual sessions with Mary Rose Bumpus, 4 2-hour Supervision sessions via monthly Meetup) along with readings related to Supervision
  • 5-6 short dialogues with corresponding contemplative reflection form (CRF) for 5 of your spiritual direction sessions (3 discussed in individual supervision sessions, 2-3 discussed with group)
  • 3 Half Hour Sessions with Spiritual Direction Mentor
  • Go deeper into a chosen Concentration/Focus through an Integrative Paper or Integrative Project (your choice of readings)
  • 6 Online Updates on focus & opportunity to share an update with the group & request wisdom from the collective
  • 10-page Integrative Paper or 5-page Review of Integrative Project due at the end of Year 2                                         
  • Monthly Online Supervision Questions (typed) around Supervision book with Sister Mary Rose Bumpus
  • 10-12 Individual or Group Spiritual Direction sessions for self*
  • Optional: 1-hour pre-recorded seminar: Setting up a Spiritual Direction Practice


Year One Classes & Fees: 
Recognizing & Healing Our Image(s) of God
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of the impact of image(s) and language of God on one’s inner and outer world
  • Study of names & images of the Unnamable within and beyond one’s particular religious context and/or familiarity
  • Experience of soul-shaping conversations & spiritual practices offering healing of our stories associated with images of God

Contemplative Prayer & Meditation (through Time & Across Traditions)
     Course Objectives: 

  • Awareness of the ancient roots, present growth, purpose, and fruit of contemplative prayer & meditation
  • Study of different ways of contemplative prayer & meditation integrating mind, body, spirit, imagination, community, & Creation
  • Experience of ancient and present day contemplative prayer & meditation practices from a variety of traditions

Stages of Spiritual Growth & Development
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of stages and phases of spiritual growth & development in individuals and communities
  • Study of the benefits & limitations of, as well as insights offered by, different paradigms of spiritual growth & development
  • Experience of the intersection of spiritual growth & development and spiritual practices

Discovering Our True Self and Tools for Self-Discovery
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of and language around True/Authentic Self
  • Study of the inner work of transformation, including Dark Night of the Soul, and ways of discovery and recognition of True/Authentic Self 
  • Experience of practices and tools for Self-Discovery, including guided prayer, poetry, journaling, Sacred Naming, Awareness Examen, Internal Family Systems Therapy, and the Enneagram

The Art of Spiritual Direction I (Soul Companioning)
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of the history and distinguishing characteristics of Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Directors
  • Study of directive and non-directive ways to enter into shared silence & soul companionship  
  • Experience of hospitality for the soul and listening deeply with one’s whole being  

Ways of Wisdom: Spiritual Seeing, Listening, & Discerning (as individuals and in community)
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of the collective and perennial nature of Wisdom and the meaning of Discernment
  • Study of ways Wisdom/Divine Presence manifests and ways of Discernment   
  • Experience of personal and communal ways of discernment of Wisdom/Divine Presence

Soul Wounds: Views of Suffering, Sin, Trauma, Grief & Forgiveness
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of soul wounds impacting individuals, interpersonal relationships, and communities
  • Study of personal and cultural cycles of violence that wound and ways to companion others on their healing journey, stepping out of cycles of violence into greater wholeness  
  • Experience of one's own wounds and vulnerabilities leading to compassionate, humble, and wise Soul Companionship and case studies of witnessing and companioning others through times of suffering

The Art of Spiritual Direction II (Soul Companioning in Context)
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of contexts and systems at work in the lives of director and directee (individual and communities) impacting the Spiritual Direction relationship
  • Study of different contextual perspectives of Spiritual Direction leading to compassionate, wise Soul Companionship  
  • Experience of Spiritual Direction through the eyes of marginalized Spiritual Directors & Directees

The Art of Dreamwork (Listening to the Symbolic Language of the Soul) 
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of the symbolic language of the Soul as experienced in nighttime dreams and daytime visions
  • Study of various ways of working with dreams and visions to unlock their Wisdom for waking life
  • Experience of working with one’s own dreams and facilitating formal Dreamwork with a directee or informal Dreamwork with a friend or family member

Dynamics of Group Spiritual Direction & Dreamwork
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of group dynamics as one facilitates Spiritual Direction or Dreamwork
  • Study of different paradigms of Group Spiritual Direction and Group Dreamwork
  • Experience of the power of communal, collective Wisdom in Group Spiritual Direction and Group Dreamwork

Facilitating Contemplative Retreats (whether In-person or Online)
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of the need for and transforming nature of contemplative retreats in our contemporary society
  • Study of types and elements of contemplative retreats—creating space to befriend Silence & Solitude and allow for heart-opening opportunities through rest, play, beauty, awe, and delight
  • Experience of an online &/or in-person retreat utilizing mindful relaxation, the imagination, and Silence*

Professional Ethics for Spiritual Directors 
    Course Objectives:

  • Awareness of ethical principles and conduct in regard to the spiritual direction relationship 
  • Study of the rights of directees and responsibilities of spiritual directors
  • Experience of practical ways to "do no harm" as informed by Spiritual Directors International Guidelines for Ethical Conduct, a Q & A session with Sister Mary Rose Bumpus, RSM, PhD, and preparation for receiving Supervision in Year Two

Reading List To Prepare for Program:

“We Are Cells of the Living Planet: An Interview with Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi,” Presence, Vol. 20, No. 3, p. 6

Foundations in Spiritual Direction: Sharing the Sacred Across Traditions by Beverly Lanzetta 

Our Unforming: De-Westernizing Spiritual Formation by Cindy Lee


(Optional Reading):

Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill

Spirituality: A Very Short Introduction by Philip Sheldrake

The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence (also free online)

The Spirituality of Imperfection: Storytelling and the Search for Meaning by Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketcham 

The Way of the Heart: Connecting with God through Prayer, Wisdom, and Silence by Henri Nouwen

Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton

Unteachable Lessons: Why Wisdom Can’t Be Taught (And Why That’s Okay) by Carl McColman

Waking Up to This Day: Seeing the Beauty Right Before Us by Paula D'Arcy

Program Fees for Year One*: $1760 ​

    $880 for 11 2-hour classes at $80/each

    $480 for 11 pre-recorded teachings and 1 live Kajabi Meetup teaching at $40/each

    $160 for monthly instructor feedback on papers

    $240 for 6 sessions with Spiritual Direction mentor at $40/session

*additional fees for Year One: Personal Spiritual Direction ($50-$100/month), Books ($245 for entire year) & Retreat ​(optional 4-day monastery retreat between Year One & Year Two in August for the Facilitating Contemplative Retreats class, $525 for lodging & meals; readings & the ability to Zoom during retreat for those unable to attend)


Year Two Focus & Fees:


  1. ​Integrative Paper- study and writing a 10-page paper on integration into Spiritual Direction  -or-
  2. Integrative Project- experiential opportunity development and implementation & 5-page review paper                                                                                                                                            

Examples of concentrations:
Creation Spirituality, Ignatian Spirituality, Native American Spirituality, Celtic Spirituality, Benedictine Spirituality, Rabbinic Wisdom,  Taoism, Buddhism, Desert Fathers & Mothers, Divine Feminine, The Beatitudes, Nonviolent Communication, Vocation/Calling, The Writings & Theology of a Mystic, Reiki, Yoga, Qigong, Breathwork, Walking/Movement, Dance, Pilgrimage, Play, Sacred Icons & Artwork, Music, Forgiveness Work, Dreamwork, Poetry, Journaling, Twelve Step/Recovery, Internal Family Systems Therapy, Anger and Women, The Second Half of Life, Spiritually Companioning Men, Tending the Souls of Teenagers, Parenting, Sexuality, Chronic Pain,  Hospice, Dementia, Healthcare Workers,  LGBTQ+, Socio-economic Disadvantaged, Social Justice, Church Context, Clergy & Church Staff, Spiritual but Not Religious, Interfaith, Tending the Soul in the Workplace, Soul-Tending at Home...what or who is your heart drawn to? 

Research and study can include reading, listening to podcasts, attending a retreat on the subject, being mentored in the subject, working toward certification in another area (ex. Reiki, Level 1), creating an experience for others (which can include an offering through Wisdom Tree Collective!), etc.

Program Fees for Year Two*: $1340
​    $720 for 7 Sessions of Supervision (4 Group and 3 Individual)

    $300 for 4 Teaching & Role-playing Sessions and Ending Celebration Gathering

    $40 for 1 pre-recorded Teaching
    $160 for Feedback on Papers/Projects 
    $120 for 3 session with Spiritual Direction mentor at $40/session 

*additional fees for Year Two: Personal Spiritual Direction ($50-$100/month), Supplies (additional books or materials for your integrative project/paper), SDI student membership ($59/year) & liability insurance for meeting with directees (SDI discounted rate around $130 USD).                                                                                                                        

Payment plans and Scholarships available.     
How to apply (after having received spiritual direction for at least 6 months prior):
-Fill out online application.
-Pay $35 application fee.

-Schedule your 15 minute interview with a Wisdom Tree Collective Board member by contacting Mary Francis Working at [email protected] 
-Have at least 2 recommendations filled out by those who notice and/or have benefitted from your gifts of listening, wisdom, and discernment.  Click for online recommendation link.
Apply Now