$210.00 USD

Wisdom Tree Collective 6-Week Online Dream Group

Wisdom Tree Collective 6-Week Dream Group


In dreams, God offers us wild and holy Wisdom for daily living.   In a dream group, we share our dreams, explore their layered meanings, and work, play, and pray with symbols in the lively, soulful practice of dreamwork.


Intrigued? Watch our seminar on Intro to Working with Dreams!  You’ll learn why dreamwork is soulwork, and you’ll practice four simple ways to engage with your own dreams.


This online group will meet for a total of 6, 90-minute sessions, 6:00-7:30pm CST:

Sept 26

Oct. 10 and 24

Nov 7 and 21

Dec 5

The facilitator is Laura Huff Hileman, a Wisdom Tree Collective mentor and certified dreamworker & spiritual director at Fire by Night Dreamwork.


The dream group is limited to 6 participants.

Fee is $210 (=$35/session)


Questions? Contact Laura at [email protected] or visit her website at www.firebynight.net.