Cherishing Our Transitory Journeys
Oct 23, 2024Are you able to squeeze God into your overcrowded schedule?
Time is a precious commodity. We have a limited supply of time, and we never know how much time we are actually gifted. It’s a sobering thought and we often forget that our time here is not permanent.
Life can feel like a rollercoaster with ups and downs, twists and turns. It's fascinating how everything around us is always changing. Remembering that life is transitory can open our eyes to the beauty around us and help us appreciate every moment.
Since life is fleeting, it’s crucial to cherish every moment. Which isn’t always as easy as it sounds. How many of us have binge watched an entire TV series or lost hours scrolling on our phones?
We have a choice in how we spend every moment of our day. There are activities we may need to do to survive such as work, eat, sleep, repeat. If we are lucky, we enjoy our work, have food to fill our bellies and experience a safe place to rest for the night.
God put it in my heart to reach out to friend I haven’t spoken to in a few months. I was busy and kept delaying a call to her. I finally reached out to her and found out she was diagnosed with cancer. A few weeks later, she had died. It was an aggressive form of cancer which she underplayed as she didn’t want to worry people. I keep imagining she will call me up and ask me out for lunch. She was only in her 50s and I miss her every day.
I regret not following God’s leading immediately, but I rejoice that I was able to communicate with her before she left us.
Since life is temporary, what kind of mark do you want to leave behind? How do you want to be remembered? Our actions create ripples that touch others. A kind word, a helping hand, or a shared laugh can have lasting effects.
No matter what ups and downs I was going through, my friend was my cheerleader. She always had a kind word to say and was always working in fields where she was helping people. She had a strong faith in God and a belief that no matter how far we had fallen, God could not only rebuild your life, but also multiply your blessings.
Imagine trying to catch water in your hands; as tightly as you might grip, some will always slip away. The same goes for time. Appreciate it when you can.
She also believed in dedicating time in our lives to God. Giving time to God can look different for everyone. It’s not just about setting aside a specific hour each day; it’s about being intentional with your moments. Being kind throughout our workday and establishing meaningful connections is spreading the love of God.
You might start your day with a short prayer or spend time in quiet reflection. Taking a few minutes to read scripture or listen to uplifting music can also connect you with your faith. Finding ways to serve others or being mindful throughout your day can show you're giving your attention to God, too. It’s the little moments that count, reflecting your commitment in everyday life.
A prayer for spending our time wisely:
Dear Lord,
We ask for guidance in making choices that truly matter. Encourage us to focus on what brings value to our lives and helps us grow. We seek strength to avoid distractions and prioritize tasks that align with our goals. Help us to cultivate habits that lead to fulfillment and success. We are reminded to be mindful and intentional in how we spend our days, ensuring that our efforts are meaningful and impactful. Help us to spread kindness and goodness to others. Help us to build and appreciate loving relationships and cherishing moments throughout the ups and downs of life. Help us to dedicate our time to You in faith.
—Katie Rea, WTC Writing Coach
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