I once read a story of a town in ruin, a town filled with resentment and despair. The people distrusted one another and no longer worked together. The town was falling apart. One resident left to seek wisdom from a wise person who lived in the forest. After a long journey, the resident found the...
Wisdom Tree Collective wishes you and yours a wonderful holiday season!
May the holiday season fill you with God's love.
May your sorrows be few.
May you treasure and remember memories of loved ones.
May you know with God's love you are never truly alone.
May joy, peace and hope...
Wisdom from the Desert
Holidays often expose divisiveness in family, friends, and communities. It can highlight conflict even within ourselves. What can help?
I was...
Feeling thankful? Here’s how to share that gratitude with others.
I’ve always appreciated the generosity of spirit during this time of year. When I worked at the Nashville Rescue Mission, I saw hundreds of turkeys and food donated to help the unhoused. I’ve seen families come...
Kasey’s dream started with a desire, a simple wish that grew into something much bigger. God brought people in her life who believed in her dreams, offered friendship, support, and encouragement when she needed it most. Through this desire came the Wisdom Tree Collective.
Are you able to squeeze God into your overcrowded schedule?
Time is a precious commodity. We have a limited supply of time, and we never know how much time we are actually gifted. It’s a sobering thought and we often forget that our time here is not permanent.
Life can feel like a...
I need to preface this blog post with some context: I was to be attending a spiritual retreat in Hendersonville, North Carolina last week.
Feeling overwhelmed by negativity? Here’s how one simple act can change everything.
When I think of goodness, I envision the simple acts that...
Wisdom Tree Collective's online School of Spiritual Direction & Community is looking for a competent and enthusiastic tech person who understands the value of online education and community, could it be you?
The Wisdom Tree Collective Tech Support and Digital...
I sat in lamp-lit darkness on the steps of Monastery Immaculate Conception last month ready to watch the sunrise. The scented steam of orange-cinnamon tea rose from my red mug. What a perfect moment--until the hardness of the cement stair forced me to stand. Still, I continued to sip my...
As a kid, my mom cautioned me not to wander into the woods alone. Unfortunately, I wasn’t always known to be the most obedient child. Curiosity got the better of me and I decided a fun romp in the woods was just what I needed. We lived at the foothills of White Oak Mountain, and the forest...
I recently completed research in an attempt to write a blog post, but I fell into a trap of my own making. Instead of enjoying the process and accumulating pertinent information, I found myself in a “spirit of competition” as Julia Cameron mentioned in her book The Artist’s...
I once attended a small, quirky parish that attracted those who did not feel comfortable at the cathedral downtown or the sprawling churches in the suburbs. On any given Sunday I sat among college professors and struggling musicians, soccer moms and tattooed high-schoolers. All were welcome...