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"Holy Watching," The Spiritual Practice of Dreamwork: A Retreat with Laura Huff Hileman on July 22–23, 2023

Jun 10, 2023

How might you become a “holy watcher” when it comes to your nighttime dreams?

Join us as we ground our learning in the Tree of Life and the story of King Nebudchadnezzar’s dream then practice basic skills of being a “holy watcher” of our dreams through dreamwork and dreamplay.  

A short video will be provided before the retreat to explain the nuts & bolts of dreamwork as a spiritual practice and how to remember and record a dream. 

Discover how to watch for wisdom being offered to you at night. Leave with new tools and a packet of materials to help you continue to cultivate this spiritual practice of “dreamwork as holy watching.”

Facilitator: Laura Huff Hileman, M.A., M.S., Certified Dream Mentor & Spiritual Director, Fire by Night Dreamwork

Time: 10 a.m. July 22 until 11:30 a.m. July 23 (Central Time)

Place: The home of Wisdom Tree Collective Co-founders, Kim & Mary Francis Working in Lebanon, TN (nearby hotels and Airbnbs available)

Fee: $150 (includes lunch, dinner, breakfast, snacks, and materials)

Bring: Notebook/journal, pen, and a dream

Limited to 10 people.


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