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You Are Not Alone

loneliness psalms May 12, 2024

I cried myself through church recently. Actually I cried myself through the sermon as I was so unsettled I couldn’t sit still another minute and so lit out before communion. The reasons I was crying don’t matter, really, and I’m not even sure I can put them into words. Let’s just say I was feeling lonely, and put upon by life, and hormonally off kilter. What matters is this: The Psalm verses mentioned were 71:1-6, from the Book of Common Prayer. I include the first three verses here: “In you, O Lord have I taken refuge; let me never be ashamed. In your righteousness, deliver me and set me free; incline your ear to me and save me. Be my strong rock, a castle to keep me safe; you are my crag and my stronghold.”

I’m not usually one to talk about God sending me signals or speaking to me directly or even feeling that I’ve been given a certain message, or person, or event by the Divine Hand. But on this particular day I needed to be reminded that someone other than my family and friends care for me. And I was.

—Amy Lyles Wilson, Wisdom Tree Collective Instructor and Mentor

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